Radiology department

Radiology department

Hospital imaging center services

The imaging center of Seyyed al-Shohada Charity Hospital (AS) has provided the best and most advanced medical imaging equipment to assist respected clinical doctors in diagnosing diseases and lesions in patients. This center strives to satisfy patients 24 hours a day by providing comprehensive and precise services in the field of medical imaging in radiology, sonography, and CT scan departments.


CT scan with Siemens multi-slice 16 machine

- International affairs under CT scan guide, including lung, bone, and retroperitoneal biopsies

- Discography under CT guidance

- Cavernosography with CT

- Myelography under CT guidance

- Microtherapy (PRT)

- CT angiography of the brain, lungs and organs

- Scanogram  for Anteversion


Preparing for a CT Scan

  • If you are scheduled for a CT Scan with oral or injectable contrast material, it is important to not eat anything for 4 to 8 hours prior to the scan. The contrast material is given to you before or during the CT scan, that can help with more accurate diagnosis of some diseases.
  • Before the CT scan, you will be provided with comfortable clothing to wear. You will also be asked to remove any metal objects including glasses, necklaces, earrings, headbands, bras, artificial teeth, and any metal objects that you carry with you as these items can distort the CT scan images.
  • If you are going to have a CT scan with injection, inform the radiologist 2 to 3 days in advance if you have any of the following diseases:
  • Asthma - multiple myeloma - kidney failure - you have diabetes and are taking metformin medicine - any history of drug or food allergy - pregnancy or suspicion of pregnancy in women.
  • If necessary, the necessary arrangements will be made for you before the CT scan so that the examination can be performed safely and without any risk and complications.
  • A CT scan expert will guide you to the imaging room, where you will lie on a bed. The main component of the imaging is called Gantry, which is a large metal circle that surrounds the bed which you will be lying on.


General radiology

General radiology is an X-ray imaging study that can be used to evaluate the state of the human skeleton, such as the state of the chest and lungs, abdomen, spine, skull, organs, pelvis, hip joints, knees, etc.

Radiology services with digital devices

- Routine and specialized digital radiology (small bowel transit IVP) with DRX device

- digital oral and dental radiology (panorex, cephalography and single tooth) with Planmeca and Vatech devices


Bone density (BMD) with Hologic device

Bone density measurement or densitometry is a method that can be used to determine bone stiffness and strength of the body. Measuring bone density is one of the ways for measuring health.

Digital mammography and galactography with Hologic device

This breast imaging method can detect benign and malignant breast tissue lesions in the early stages that can be treated, which is when the mentioned possible lesions cannot be felt by you or your doctor during the examination.

Mammography is the most reliable method of diagnosing breast cancer in its early stages and it is curable, that is why it is used as a screening method for breast cancer, which means that they can diagnose and treat the disease when it has not yet caused specific symptoms in the examination. However, like any other method, there may be a need for further investigation of some suspicious lesions along with mammography, such as simultaneous control sonography of the breasts, along with clinical examination and some other diagnostic methods such as MR mammography or biopsy under the guidance of methods photography.

What is meant by mammography for screening?

The meaning of performing mammography periodically and usually annually, in people who do not have any clinical symptoms and palpable mass in the breasts.

What is the importance of screening mammography?

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women, and if diagnosed early, there is a possibility of successful treatment in most cases. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose as soon as possible and in the initial stages.

In women who have a first-degree relative with a history of breast cancer, mammography before the age of 40 is also recommended. Considering the value of mammography for screening, periodically and annually, the radiology department of Irfan hospital announces its readiness to do this.

This department has advanced mammography and sonography devices. Your mammography images are prepared digitally.


Sonography services

- Specialized sonography including types of Doppler kidney and fetus, placental adhesion, and IUGR

- Screening sonography for NT-NB, fetal anomaly, and 4D uterus

- Types of biopsy or sampling under ultrasound guidance for the prostate, breast, kidney, liver, lymph nodes, etc.

- FNA for the thyroid and breast, aspiration and drainage of cysts, abdominal and pelvic abscesses

- Fluid drainage with catheter insertion

Necessary preparation for sonography

In the case of abdominal sonography, it is preferred to fast for approximately 4 hours before the testing. In cases of ultrasound of the pelvis, bladder, uterus and ovaries, the prostate of your bladder should be full. In other cases, no special preparation is usually necessary

The ultrasonography devices of Seyid al-Shohadah imaging are highly advanced and can accurately perform ultrasounds of abdominal organs, pelvis, thyroid, pregnancy, as well as three- and four-dimensional ultrasounds, color doppler of vessels, and intravaginal ultrasound.


Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure to treat varicose veins and spider veins. In sclerotherapy, a solution is injected directly into the vein, which causes it to be destroyed and the blood departments its path through another healthy vein. The damaged vein is absorbed by the body tissue and eventually disappears.

- Varicose vein specialist matters (consultation - sclerotherapy and RF) are performed in this center by an experienced doctor, Dr. Seyed Mostafi Najabat, a specialist in radiology and sonography, on Sundays and Tuesdays.



Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure to treat varicose veins and spider veins. In sclerotherapy, a solution is injected directly into the vein, which causes it to be destroyed and the blood departments its path through another healthy vein. The damaged vein is absorbed by the body tissue and eventually disappears.

- Varicose vein specialist matters (consultation - sclerotherapy and RF) are performed in this center by an experienced doctor, Dr. Seyed Mostafi Najabat, a specialist in radiology and sonography, on Sundays and Tuesdays.


  • Office hours
  • Radiology department 24 hours a day
  • Ultrasound department Reception from 8:00 to 19:00
  • * Mammography every day from 8:00 to 18:00
  • * If according to the doctor's diagnosis, it is accompanied by ultrasound, it will be delivered as an emergency after 15 minutes
  • CT scan section
  • CT scan | Reception from 7:00 to 24:00
  • Maximum patient weight up to 100 kg
  • Ways of communication
  • Telephone numbers of radiology department
  • 021355801630-40 Interior 144-145
  • Phone numbers of the sonography department
  • 02155801630-40 internal 147-148
  • Department Direct Call Phones (CT)
  • 55161377
  • 558016-30 internal 112
  • Supervisor number 09125889605







Dr. Sayed Ahmed Saberi


Dr. Zokhi



Dr. Mustafa Najabat


Dr. Mohammad Taher Taheri




Dr. Sayed Ahmed Saberi


Dr. Firuzeh Ahmadi



Dr. Seyed Mostafa Najabat


Dr. Sayed Ahmed Saberi



Dr. Ahmed Sabry


Dr. Zahra Chekandi




Dr. Mohammad Taher Taheri

